This is to inform you that we have successfully migrated HOST34 ( to new datacenter and hardware. There are few changes that we would like to inform you about:

*) We have changed the hostname of this server from HOST34 to Godavari. New IP address of this server is
*) Physical location of the domain folder has been changed from c:\domains\ to E:\domains\, therefore, if any of your script(s) is having hard coded paths than please correct this.
*) We have upgraded MySQL server to 5.x version.
*) We have moved MySQL to a dedicated Server, therefore, you MUST use mysql.server as hostname in your scripts and while creating ODBC DSN. If you wish to connect to the MySQL Server remotely, than please use as the server IP. You can access phpMyAdmin at
*) FTP Server has been upgraded to Serv-U from default MS FTP Severs.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

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