Website hosting is a service that allows you to store your website's files on a server and make them accessible to visitors. When you sign up for a web hosting plan, you are essentially renting space on a server. The server is a powerful computer that is always connected to the internet. When someone types your domain name into their web browser, the server delivers your website's files to their computer.
There are many different types of web hosting plans available, so it is important to choose one that meets your needs. Some factors to consider include the size of your website, the amount of traffic you expect to receive, and your budget.
Once you have chosen a web hosting plan, you will need to choose a domain name. A domain name is the address of your website on the internet. For example, the domain name for Google is
Once you have chosen a domain name and a web hosting plan, you can start building your website. There are many different website builders available, so you can choose one that meets your needs.
When you are finished building your website, you will need to upload it to your web hosting account. This can usually be done through a web-based interface.
Once your website is uploaded, it will be accessible to visitors. You can promote your website through online marketing techniques (, such as search engine optimization (SEO) (, and social media marketing (
If you are planning to create a website, you will need to choose a web hosting provider.